Posts for tutorial

Deven wrote

Flask vs Django – An In-Depth Comparison

According to the 2020 Stack Overflow developer survey, Python has risen in the ranks of programming languages. This popularity is not only due to applications in artificial intelligence or big data. Python can be used to build server-side web applications. In this article, we’ll compare two widely used Python Web Frameworks Flask vs Django Both Django and Flask are hugely […]

March 5, 2020 in Django
Shubham wrote

Building an offline To-Do App with React

In this tutorial, we will create an offline To-Do App with React. We will use browser local storage to save the tasks, which will keep the tasks even after we close the browser. In the end, we will host this application on Github pages. Pre-requisites Nodejs Code editor (I am using VS Code) Github Account […]

March 3, 2020 in React & Tutorials
Shubham wrote

Learn How to use JSON in Golang

When you start a project which interacts with the outer world, it requires data exchange. To make a project successful this interaction must be simple and efficient. What is Data Exchange? Data exchange is the process of taking data structured under a source schema and transforming it into data structured under a target schema, so […]

February 16, 2020 in GoLang & Tutorials

Building a Word Counter in JavaScript

There are various reasons a web application may want to collect input from its users. However, there are times you want to limit how much input you get from your user. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a word counter in JavaScript and stop the user from entering any further information when they […]

February 13, 2020 in Javascript & Tutorials

Build a Note Taking Application using Kotlin

In this article, we’ll be exploring different use cases for the Android Architecture Components (AAC) in building a simple Word Application. This application will be able to take data input from the user using LiveData, save it a Local Database which we’ll be employing Room, and finally displaying this data in a recyclerview to the […]

February 7, 2020 in Android & Kotlin & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

Getting Started With Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix, in a nutshell, is a tool that compiles, minifies and stores your assets in your application’s public folder for easy reference.  In this article, you’ll learn the following: How to Install LaravelMix in a Laravel application How to use Laravel Mix in other development environments Compiling assets with Laravel Mix How to Install laravelMix […]

November 25, 2019 in Laravel & Tutorials