Posts for Afolayan

Technical Writer, Fullstack Software Developer and Programming Instructor.
Afolayan wrote

A Gentle Introduction to Docker for Beginners

If you are familiar with web/software development, chances are that you have heard about Docker and containers. Judging from the perspective of someone who is unfamiliar with DevOps and a whole, this can be pretty confusing (at first). This article explains the terms involved with containerization (another word you might have come across), docker, containers […]

March 15, 2021 in Dev Tips
Afolayan wrote

Recursion Explained In Python

If you have been programming with Python, chances are you’ve come across the term recursion. Chances are also that you might probably find this confusing at first, not to worry, this article should clear things up for you. Recursion is a very powerful programming concept that provides a simple, (neater in most cases), concise and […]

February 20, 2020 in Python & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

Authenticating Laravel APIs Using Passport

Knowledge of authentication and security procedures are important in the day to day process of building and managing applications today. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add authentication to a Laravel API using Passport. APIs are known to authenticate users using tokens as they do not maintain session between requests. With the Laravel […]

February 16, 2020 in Laravel & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

Building CRUD API using Restify Framework

A lot of countless options exist for building APIs with JavaScript frameworks these days, and each with their own advantages. This article will focus on explaining the steps to build an API with Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) functions using the Restify Framework for Node.js. The project we’re going to be building would be […]

February 4, 2020 in Node & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

Build a CRUD Application Using Laravel and React

One of the basic things for every developer is how to go about managing Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) operations in an application. The app we’re going to be building is an Expense Management App with Laravel for the Backend API and React on the frontend. Read this article if you want to learn […]

February 3, 2020 in Laravel & React & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

Getting Started With Vue 3 Composition API

For a long time now, Vuejs has been one of the favorite frontend Javascript frameworks of many developers (including myself ) because of its reactivity and the general saying that the framework is relatively easier to pick up that most JavaScript frameworks. As at the time of writing this article, the current version of Vuejs […]

December 6, 2019 in Tutorials & Vue
Afolayan wrote

How to setup Facebook Login With Socialite in Laravel

A social login, also known as a social sign-in, is a kind of single sign-on where you use the existing login information of a social network like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Github, etc to log on to a third party website, instead of creating a new log-in account, especially for that website. Social logins are mainly […]

November 29, 2019 in Laravel & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

Getting Started With Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix, in a nutshell, is a tool that compiles, minifies and stores your assets in your application’s public folder for easy reference.  In this article, you’ll learn the following: How to Install LaravelMix in a Laravel application How to use Laravel Mix in other development environments Compiling assets with Laravel Mix How to Install laravelMix […]

November 25, 2019 in Laravel & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

How To Work With Laravel Flash Messages

If you’ve come across a website with login/logout or any validation functions, chances are that you have probably come across Flash messages. At the end of this tutorial, you should have at least a basic grasp of the following: What Laravel Flash messages are Examples of common scenarios where you may come across a flash […]

November 22, 2019 in Laravel & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

Building a Laravel CRUD Application

In this tutorial, we’ll be building a Laravel CRUD Application with Laravel 6 along with authentication and we’d get to do the following. Learn how to set up a Laravel Application from scratch Learn  to create a Database in PHPMyAdmin Work with laravel blade templates Work with Models, Migrations, and Controllers in Laravel Work with […]

November 21, 2019 in Laravel & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

How To Switch to Ajax-based Authentication in Laravel 6

In this tutorial, you will learn how to Switch to Ajax-based Authentication in Laravel 6. One of the exciting features of Laravel 6 the ability to immediately generate a fully usable authentication system by installing the laravel UI package and running the auth command. I.e composer require laravel/ui laravel ui vue –auth As exciting as […]

November 20, 2019 in Laravel & Tutorials