Posts for Deven

Deven is an Entrepreneur, and Full-stack developer, Constantly learning and experiencing new things. He currently runs and
Deven wrote

Pagination in Laravel 8 explained with examples

Laravel is one of the easiest and efficient PHP frameworks. It follows MVC or model, view, controller design pattern. It provides many exciting features for web development. Pagination is one of them. Laravel’s paginator uses Query builder and Eloquent ORM that provides suitable easy-to-use pagination. In this tutorial, you are going to learn about how […]

January 17, 2022 in Laravel
Deven wrote

What is void(0) in JavaScript

In this article, you are going to learn about how to use void(0) in JavaScript. In a normal sense, the word void refers to completely empty or blank. When it is used in programming languages, like JavaScript the word void(0) refers as it returns nothing. This operator is mostly used with the hyperlink. We use […]

January 15, 2022 in Code examples & Javascript
Deven wrote

How to use disable click event in jQuery

In this article, you will learn about how to use disable click events in jQuery. jQuery is a lightweight and feature-rich JavaScript library. You can do a lot more things and bring interactivity to your webpage. The purpose of jQuery is to write less and do more. That means you can do a lot more […]

January 15, 2022 in Code examples & Jquery
Deven wrote

How to add an object key dynamically in JavaScript

In this article, you will learn about how to add an Object key dynamically in JavaScipt. JavaScript is the most popular language at this moment and you can do a lot more things by using JavaScript. The main reason because of its popularity is that it can be used both in front-end and back-end. JavaScript […]

January 15, 2022 in Code examples & Javascript
Deven wrote

How to uppercase a text by using jQuery

In this article, you are going to learn about how to uppercase a text by using jQuery. jQuery is a lightweight and feature-rich JavaScript library. The purpose of jQuery is to write less and do more. That means you can do a lot more things by writing less code. In jQuery, you can convert a […]

January 15, 2022 in Code examples & Jquery
Deven wrote

How to use array of structs in GoLang

In this article, you will learn about how to use an array of structs in the Go Language. In the Go language, a struct is defined as a user-defined type that allows storing different types of values into a single type. In Object-Oriented Programming languages, you may hear about the class that is used to […]

January 15, 2022 in Code examples & GoLang
Deven wrote

How to use Mongoose virtual property

In this article, you are going to learn about how to use mongoose virtual property. In mongoose, you can use the virtual property. This will let you work logically on your project. The main benefit of using the virtual property is that it will not persist the document in the MongoDB database. That means you […]

January 15, 2022 in Code examples
Deven wrote

Create your first web server and Learn basic routing in Nodejs

NodeJS is an open-source JavaScript runtime built on the Chrome V8 engine for executing JavaScript code on the server-side. To make the web page more interactive the language, JavaScript was built. Writing JavaScript code outside of the browser was like daydreaming once a time. But now it is the reality that we can write JavaScript […]

January 14, 2022 in Node & Tutorials
Deven wrote

How To Create NFT Art With No Coding Experience​

It has been difficult to avoid all the chatter about NFTs over the past year. Even notable names such as Eminem have gotten in on the trend, with the rapper reportedly paying around $462,000 for a Bored Ape style NFT that was modeled after himself. This buy-in from big names in entertainment has only fuelled speculation and excitement […]

January 14, 2022 in Dev Tips
Deven wrote

How to use md5 algorithm in GoLang

In this article, you are going to learn about how to use an md5 algorithm in the Go language. MD5 is an algorithm that is used to compute a hash value. Though it is cryptographically broken, it is still used widely. This algorithm produces a 128-bit hash value. In the Go language, there’s a package […]

January 14, 2022 in Code examples & GoLang
Deven wrote

How to convert HTML text to PDF in JavaScript

In this article, you will learn about how to convert HTML text to PDF by using JavaScript.Converting an HTML file into PDF is a very useful thing to do and you may save a bulk amount of data into a pdf file easily. In JavaScript, you may convert your HTML file into PDF and to […]

January 13, 2022 in Code examples & Javascript
Deven wrote

What is time differences in GoLang?

In this article, you are going to learn about what is time differences in the Go language. GoLang provides time packages to work with the time and in this package, you will get the functionality to determine a time and also see it. We will see the time differences between two variables with the help […]

January 13, 2022 in Code examples & GoLang
Deven wrote

How to create and save schema array of strings in Mongoose

In this article, you will learn about how to create and save a schema array of strings in Mongoose. Mongoose is an ODM(Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB and it lets you create a schema model and save documents in MongoDB. In the Mongoose schema model, you can create an array of strings. To create […]

January 13, 2022 in Code examples & Node
Deven wrote

How to use a pointer in a function in GoLang

In this article, you will learn about how to use a pointer in a function in the Go language. A pointer is nothing but an object that stores a memory address. Like many programming languages, the Go language also has the functionality of a pointer. In the Go language, pointers are used as a variable […]

January 13, 2022 in Code examples & GoLang
Deven wrote

How to query in Mongoose

In this article, you are going to learn about how to query in Mongoose. Mongoose is an ODM(Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB that is based on NodeJS. You can create Schema, manage documents, and many more by using Mongoose. Moreover, you can query specific data. Here, query refers to the term as finding data […]

January 11, 2022 in Code examples