Posts for laravel

Deven wrote

Pagination in Laravel 8 explained with examples

Laravel is one of the easiest and efficient PHP frameworks. It follows MVC or model, view, controller design pattern. It provides many exciting features for web development. Pagination is one of them. Laravel’s paginator uses Query builder and Eloquent ORM that provides suitable easy-to-use pagination. In this tutorial, you are going to learn about how […]

January 17, 2022 in Laravel
Deven wrote

Fix – Call to undefined method maatwebsite\excel\excel::create()

If you are getting call to undefined method maatwebsite\excel\excel::create() error, this article will help you fix the issue. If you are getting the above error while trying to add providers and aliases like in the code example below: it can be easily fixed by using Excel::download() or Excel::store(). since  ::create has been removed in the latest release. […]

February 26, 2021 in Errors solved

How to conditionally redirect users after login on Laravel Jetstream

In this article, you will learn how to conditionally redirect users after login to Laravel Jetstream and Fortify applications. With the introduction of Laravel Jetstream, it is always tempting to setup Laravel projects with Laravel Jetstream and Fortify handling the authentication of your app. It becomes challenging when your project requires custom redirection to a […]

February 23, 2021 in Laravel & Tutorials

Build a CRUD Application Using Laravel and Vue

In this tutorial, we’ll build a complete CRUD application using VueJS and Laravel.For illustration, consider the following simple app: Contents Before we kick off Introduction Setting up Laravel and VueJs Initialize VueJS Create Operation Read Operation Update Operation Delete Operation Conclusion Before we kick off Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies from core-team members […]

August 18, 2020 in Laravel & Tutorials & Vue
Afolayan wrote

Build a CRUD Application Using Laravel and React

One of the basic things for every developer is how to go about managing Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) operations in an application. The app we’re going to be building is an Expense Management App with Laravel for the Backend API and React on the frontend. Read this article if you want to learn […]

February 3, 2020 in Laravel & React & Tutorials