Posts for ajax

Deven wrote

AJAX Post request example

There are various HTTP methods available to access data or send data to the server. HTTP provides get, post, put, patch, delete methods. In today’s post we are going to use Post method with the help of AJAX. AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML, which allows the webpage to be updated in the backgroud […]

October 19, 2021 in Code examples
Afolayan wrote

How To Switch to Ajax-based Authentication in Laravel 6

In this tutorial, you will learn how to Switch to Ajax-based Authentication in Laravel 6. One of the exciting features of Laravel 6 the ability to immediately generate a fully usable authentication system by installing the laravel UI package and running the auth command. I.e composer require laravel/ui laravel ui vue –auth As exciting as […]

November 20, 2019 in Laravel & Tutorials