Deven wrote

Build a server monitoring app using Node & Angular

In this tutorial, we will build a Real-time server monitoring app using Node and Angular that will show the free memory available on our server. Take a look at the app we are going to build:  we will be using following tech stacks Vagrant Node.js Angular chart.js  To create our development server we will be […]

December 17, 2019 in Angular & Node & Tutorials

Getting Started with React Context API

React Context was designed to provide a way in which data could be stored and accessed by various components. Why would you need this? This feature becomes important when props would have to be passed to deeply nested or numerous components within an application. In react applications, data is usually passed from parent to child […]

December 14, 2019 in React & Tutorials
Deven wrote

Build a Crud application using Vue and Django

As a developer, CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) is one of the basic operations to know. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to build an API with Django REST Framework and a SPA with Vue.js. I am going to show you step by step from scratch. Before we kick off Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies […]

December 14, 2019 in Django & Tutorials & Vue
Deven wrote

Build a RESTful CRUD API Using Node, Express, and MongoDB

In this article, we’ll discuss how to create Restful CRUD API with Node.js, Express, and Mongoose to interact with a MongoDB instance to give your web app superpowers. Our API will include the following features: Handle CRUD operations Have an API URL (http://localhost:3000/tasks  User can update, edit, delete and add tasks directly in the database […]

December 13, 2019 in Node & Tutorials

Writing cleaner code with higher-order functions

Higher-order functions in JavaScript simply put are functions that either return another function or take another function as an argument. There are built-in higher-order functions in JavaScript which we’ll be looking at in a bit, first, let’s look at the simplest example of a higher-order function: const add = (x)=>(y)=> x + y; As you […]

December 11, 2019 in Javascript & Tutorials
Deven wrote

Setting up React Authentication using JWT

In this article, we would be Using ReactJS and ExpressJS to show how to manage React authentication in SPAs. Authentication on SPAs can be tricky considering the various methods of authentication at our disposal such as Auth0 (which is an Auth-as-a-service platform), njwt, Okta. amongst others. For the purpose of this article, I have chosen JsonWebToken(JWT). We would be creating a developer tips application […]

December 10, 2019 in React & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

Getting Started With Vue 3 Composition API

For a long time now, Vuejs has been one of the favorite frontend Javascript frameworks of many developers (including myself ) because of its reactivity and the general saying that the framework is relatively easier to pick up that most JavaScript frameworks. As at the time of writing this article, the current version of Vuejs […]

December 6, 2019 in Tutorials & Vue
Deven wrote

Server-side rendering in React.js

React offers an approach to render components to strings specifically for the case of server-side rendering. That is accomplished by the react-dom package, that manages the React to Dom conversion.However, we don’t need to simply render a view, however the correct view. That’s where isomorphic or Universal routing comes into the picture. Server-side rendering in […]

December 5, 2019 in React & Tutorials

An in-depth view of Higher-Order functions

Introduction As complex as it may seem, higher-order functions are functions that either accepts a function as an argument or returns a function or does both. This is possible because, in JavaScript, functions are first-class citizens — they are treated as variables and can be passed as arguments to other functions and returned by other […]

December 5, 2019 in Javascript & Tutorials
Deven wrote

Create beautiful charts using Vue and chart.js

In this tutorial, we are going to build beautiful charts using Vue and chart.js. Here is the Preview of our app: But first, let’s get our system set up for Vue development. Before we kick off Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies from core-team members and industry experts with our premium tutorials and video courses on […]

December 4, 2019 in Tutorials & Vue

How to build a Twitter bot with NodeJs

Building a Twitter bot using their API is one of the fundamental applications of the Twitter API. To build a Twitter bot with Nodejs, you’ll need to take these steps below before proceeding: Create a new account for the bot. Apply for API access at Ensure you have NodeJS and NPM installed on your […]

December 2, 2019 in Javascript & Node & Tutorials
Afolayan wrote

How to setup Facebook Login With Socialite in Laravel

A social login, also known as a social sign-in, is a kind of single sign-on where you use the existing login information of a social network like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Github, etc to log on to a third party website, instead of creating a new log-in account, especially for that website. Social logins are mainly […]

November 29, 2019 in Laravel & Tutorials