Posts for Deven

Deven is an Entrepreneur, and Full-stack developer, Constantly learning and experiencing new things. He currently runs and
Deven wrote

How to configure .eslintrc config file with example in NodeJS

In this article, you are going to learn about how to configure the .eslintrc config file with an example in NodeJS. Eslint is basically a program that constantly scans code and finds out potential coding errors or bad coding practices. It is very easy to configure and also used for formatting code. To configure eslint, […]

January 8, 2022 in Code examples
Deven wrote

How to convert byte array to string in Golang

In this article, you will learn about how to convert a byte array to a string in the Go language. In Go language, strings are nothing but a combination of an array of bytes. You can convert a string into a bytes array, similarly, you can convert a byte array into a string. In this […]

January 8, 2022 in Code examples
Deven wrote

How to convert byte array to string in Golang

In this article, you will learn about how to convert a byte array to a string in the Go language. In Go language, strings are nothing but a combination of an array of bytes. You can convert a string into a bytes array, similarly, you can convert a byte array into a string. In this […]

January 8, 2022 in Code examples
Deven wrote

How to submit a form in VueJS

In this article, you are going to learn about how to submit a form in VueJS. Working with for is an essential part of any website development. To take user’s information or any information from the client side, using form is very handy approach. You can easily create a form in VueJS. In general, when […]

January 8, 2022 in Code examples
Deven wrote

How to use Vuetify grid system

In this article, you are going to learn about Vuetify grid system. Vuetify grid system is a very useful resource to make your web application responsive. It is used extensively for creating specific layouts. It comes with a 12 point grid system using flexbox. You can target specific media screen sizes with the help of […]

January 8, 2022 in Code examples
Deven wrote

Learn How to read and write file in NodeJS

NodeJS is very fast and highly scalable because of its event-driven, single-threaded and, non-blocking I/O model and you can do many interesting things by using it. Reading and writing files is one of them. It is a very essential functionality that is provided by NodeJS and the implementation of these things is very easy. You […]

December 28, 2021 in Node & Vue
Deven wrote

What is the best way to declare global variable in VueJS

In this article, you will learn about how to declare global variables in VueJs. While working with VueJS, you need to declare a global variable so that you can access it from anywhere in the project. This is quite useful to declare a global variable otherwise you need to declare it from each file where […]

December 28, 2021 in Code examples & Vue
Deven wrote

How to create slide transition in VueJS

In this article, you are going to learn about how to create slide transitions in VueJS. VueJS is an open-source JavaScript front-end framework. You can do many interesting things by using VueJS. Creating a slide transition is one of them. It will help you to make your web app more interactive and user-friendly. Let’s see […]

December 25, 2021 in Code examples
Deven wrote

How to fix MongoError:e11000 duplicate key error collection

In this article, you are going to learn about how to fix MongoError:e11000 duplicate key error collection. Working in a NoSQL database gives you much flexibility but sometimes, this can be the reason for getting yourself in an unwanted situation like MongoError:e11000 duplicate key error collection. It is a common MongoDB error and occurs for […]

December 24, 2021 in Errors solved
Deven wrote

How to convert HTML table data to excel in JavaScript

In this article, you will learn about how to convert HTML table data to excel in JavaScript. In JavaScript, you can do lots of interesting things. Converting HTML table data into excel is one of them. It is very useful and most of the time it is done by using the server-side method. But JavaScript […]

December 24, 2021 in Code examples
Deven wrote

How to fix vue packages version mismatch

In this article, you are going to learn about how to fix vue packages version mismatch. VueJS is a powerful JavaScript front-end library that is used in single-page applications. While working with VueJs you may have faced this type of problem: “fix vue packages version mismatch” and didn’t figure it out how to solve this […]

December 24, 2021 in Errors solved
Deven wrote

How to use setInterval in VueJS

In this article, you are going to learn about how to use setInterval in VueJS. The setInterval() method lets you call a function with a fixed time delay between each call. It returns an interval ID that is used to identify the interval uniquely. This method will keep executing the particular code snippet until you […]

December 24, 2021 in Code examples & Vue
Deven wrote

How to fix vue component not rendering

In this article, you are going to learn about how to fix vue component not rendering. In my learning journey of VueJs, I have faced many problems. “fix vue component not rendering” is one of them. I have faced this problem when I was an absolute beginner and try to render a very basic component […]

December 23, 2021 in Errors solved