Posts for Vue

Vue Created Vs Mounted lifecycle Hook

In this article, you will learn when to make use of the Created vs Mounted vue life cycle. Created: During the created life cycle hook, the data instance is done with processing the options available. However, you do not have access to the DOM at this point. Mounted: During the mounted life cycle hook, the […]

March 2, 2021 in Code examples

Using forEach method in Vue

In this article, you will learn how to use the forEach method in vue. In general, the forEach method runs a provided method once for each element in the array. A simple forEach method in vue can be done in vue like so: Here data is a property in our instance. This can also be […]

March 2, 2021 in Code examples
Deven wrote

Fix – Vuex computed property was assigned to but it has no setter

If you are Getting Vuex computed property was assigned to but it has no setter error. This article will help you fix the issue. The error happens because of the v-model. It’s trying to change the value of isLoading but mapState will only create getters. Consider the example below: For your component file: Your store file should be […]

February 23, 2021 in Errors solved

Using and understanding $refs in vue

Vue Refs are instance properties used to make reference to HTML elements in our vue application. In this guide, we will take a look at using $refs in accessing and manipulating DOM elements in vue. We simply changed the value of the input tag by making reference to it. This is similar to what we […]

February 17, 2021 in Code examples

Class Binding in Vue with Vue v-bind

In this guide, we will look at class binding with the Vue v-bind directive. Class binding comes in handy when we have the need of manipulating an element’s class list. We can either pass an object or array to dynamically toggle a class. Object Syntax The above syntax means that the class active would be […]

February 17, 2021 in Code examples

Conditional rendering with Vue v-if

Conditionals are a core part of programming languages. The vue framework uses the v-if directive amongst others in handling this. The Vue v-if directive renders a block of code if its directive is truthy. As long as the expression isActive remains truthy, our block keeps displaying. The reverse is the case when it is false.

February 17, 2021 in Code examples

Using the Vue mounted lifecycle hook

Life cycle hooks are windows to the driving factors of our frameworks. They help us keep track of what happens to our components. Typically, this is when they are created, updated, destroyed or before either happens. Vue Mounted lifecycle hook is a function called after the instance is mounted. It is however worthy of note […]

February 17, 2021 in Code examples

Using the Vue created lifecycle hook

In this guide, we will be looking at Vue created lifecycle hook. In general, life cycle hooks are windows to the driving factors of our frameworks. In a nutshell, they help us keep track of what happens to our components. This would usually be when they are created, updated, destroyed or before either of the […]

February 17, 2021 in Code examples
Deven wrote

Building an E-Commerce app with Vue.js, Vuex & Axios

Ecommerce web applications offer a whole range of new opportunities to business; it helps businesses reduce the costs and can do with fewer overheads & fewer Risks; e-commerce is more comfortable & more Convenient. Most of the performance optimization for e-commerce web applications are front-end related, So, the use of a prominent framework, for example, […]

November 13, 2020 in Vue

Build a CRUD Application Using Laravel and Vue

In this tutorial, we’ll build a complete CRUD application using VueJS and Laravel.For illustration, consider the following simple app: Contents Before we kick off Introduction Setting up Laravel and VueJs Initialize VueJS Create Operation Read Operation Update Operation Delete Operation Conclusion Before we kick off Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies from core-team members […]

August 18, 2020 in Laravel & Tutorials & Vue