Posts for error

Deven wrote

Fix could not open input file artisan

If you are facing this issue “could not open input file artisan” the most common solution is you need to first create a Laravel project and if you already have one you need to go to this project dir using cd command in terminal Like below: Now you will be able to run any artisan […]

February 11, 2021 in Errors solved
Deven wrote

Fix – error in node_modules/rxjs/internal/types.d.ts(81,44): error ts1005: ‘;’ expected.

If you are getting node_modules/rxjs/internal/types.d.ts(81,44): error ts1005: ‘;’ expected error, the problem might arise due to version mismatch. To solve your problem you need to do the following changes in your package.json file Go to package.json and modify “rxjs”: “”rxjs”: “^7.0.0” to “rxjs”: “7.0.0”and Run npm install in your project also there is no need to change […]

February 11, 2021 in Errors solved
Deven wrote

Error Handling in Angular Applications

Error handling in Angular or  software development is as important having a working application. In order to have a complete and robust application, errors and exceptions have to be properly handled. Handling errors is a way of telling your users “hey dude! Calm down, here is the problem, and here is the way out yeah? In […]

November 18, 2019 in Angular & Tutorials