error solved

Solved – valueerror: could not convert string to float:

In this article, you will learn how to solve valueerror: could not convert string to float: error in Python.

Let’s look at a code example that produces the same error.

Bitcoin_value = float(input("Enter the Bitcoin you want to convert to USD: "))
exchange_rate = 51000
Converted_value = Bitcoin_value * exchange_rate
print("{} Bitcoin is equal to {} USD".format(Bitcoin_value, Converted_value))


Enter the Bitcoin you want to convert to USD: 3,99
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    Bitcoin_value = float(input("Enter the Bitcoin you want to convert to USD: "))
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '3,99'

Our code runs without any error but if we try to insert a number into our code that is not formatted correctly we get the above error.

To fix valueerror: could not convert string to float: error in Python we can use a try…except block. As shown below:

Bitcoin_value = float(input("Enter the Bitcoin you want to convert to USD: "))
exchange_rate = 51000
Converted_value = Bitcoin_value * exchange_rate
print("{} Bitcoin is equal to {} USD".format(Bitcoin_value, Converted_value))
	print("Please insert a valid number. Don't include any commas, spaces, or characters.")

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