
Golang convert int to string example

In Golang, you can convert int to string  using the following functions.

  1. strconv.FormatInt
  2. strconv.Itoa

1. Golang convert int to string using strconv.Itoa

package main

import (

func main() {

	convert := 9278

	str1 := strconv.Itoa(convert)

we converted the convert variable into a string using Itoa method. the above code ouputs 9278

2. Golang convert int to string using strconv.FormatInt

package main

import (

func main() {

	convert2 := 1234
	str2 := strconv.FormatInt(int64(convert2), 10)

we converted the convert2 variable into a string using FormatInt method. the above code outputs 1234. check out Golang convert string to int – example article to do vice versa.

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