Posts for Vue

Vue is Simple, minimal core with an incrementally adoptable stack that can handle apps of any scale.Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable.

Build an Anime quiz app using Vuex helper methods

In this article, You will learn how to make use of Vuex helper methods, best design implementations in using them, and making API calls in the Vuex store by building an Anime quiz application with Vuex. Our Quiz application is going to have 3 components: Header: This is where our logo and reset button will […]

December 31, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue

Building a Reverse Geocoding app in Nuxtjs using Mapbox

In this article, we will have a general overview/insight into geocoding; forward geocoding, and reverse geocoding. We will go-ahead to build a mini-app that utilizes the concept of reverse geocoding to display specific locations. We would be using mapbox and Nuxtjs primarily to achieve this. In clear terms, Geocoding involves transforming text-based locations into geographic […]

November 19, 2020 in Vue
Deven wrote

Building an E-Commerce app with Vue.js, Vuex & Axios

Ecommerce web applications offer a whole range of new opportunities to business; it helps businesses reduce the costs and can do with fewer overheads & fewer Risks; e-commerce is more comfortable & more Convenient. Most of the performance optimization for e-commerce web applications are front-end related, So, the use of a prominent framework, for example, […]

November 13, 2020 in Vue

Creating Custom Hooks with Vue 3 & Typescript

TypeScript offers a static type system that can help to prevent many potential runtime errors as applications grow, this is why Vue 3 is built from the ground in TypeScript. This means you don’t need any additional tooling to use TypeScript with Vue because it has full typescript support.This article will take you on a […]

October 30, 2020 in Vue

Why Every Vue developer should Checkout Vue 3 Now

It’s barely a month since the official release of Vue.js v3.0 Watch the announcement talk by Evan You!Vue 3 offers a lot of amazing new features and changes which improve the framework’s overall stability, speed, and maintainability, and great development experience. Prior to the official release of Vue 3, some of these amazing features were […]

October 26, 2020 in Vue

Handling Vue Authentication using GraphQL API

In this tutorial, we will be using Vuex and ApolloClient connected to a GraphQL API to handle authentication in our Vuejs app. Authentication and Authorization Authentication and Authorization are most often used interchangeably, but they’re different concepts entirely. Authentication identifies or verifies who a user is while Authorization is validating the routes (or parts of the app) the authenticated user can […]

August 28, 2020 in GraphQl & Tutorials & Vue

Build a CRUD Application Using Laravel and Vue

In this tutorial, we’ll build a complete CRUD application using VueJS and Laravel.For illustration, consider the following simple app: Contents Before we kick off Introduction Setting up Laravel and VueJs Initialize VueJS Create Operation Read Operation Update Operation Delete Operation Conclusion Before we kick off Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies from core-team members […]

August 18, 2020 in Laravel & Tutorials & Vue

Sending Emails With Vuejs and Nodemailer

Sending mails over the internet has become one of the most significant features every web application would love to integrate. In this article, we will see how to send email templates using Nodemailer as our transporter service, Handlebars, as our email templating engine. What We will be building We will build a simple application where […]

June 17, 2020 in Node & Tutorials & Vue

Validating Vue.js Forms Using Vuelidate

Getting user input is crucial for many web apps as it enables the web app to give the user a more personalized experience. However, getting user input is not so straightforward because you have to: Make sure you are getting the right input from the user Make sure the input is in the correct format […]

June 4, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue