Posts for Tutorials

Advanced Tutorials for web and app development, we cover topics including, Vue, JavaScript, Laravel, Flutter, Golang, Python and more

API Mocking with Vue and Mirage JS

Single-page applications (SPAs) continue to gain more and more popularity every day. As the complexity of these SPAs increases, the need for dynamic/realtime data increases as well. APIs provide a way to bridge the gap between the SPA and the backend. There are times, however, when the required API is not available or it’s just […]

May 4, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue

Build A REST Service With Fastify

Fastify is a high-performance HTTP framework for Node.js. Fastify focuses on speed, and it’s inspired by ExpressJS and HapiJS. In this article, we will learn how to build a RESTFUL service using Fastify by Creating a CRUD API with Fastify. Learning prerequisites Basic familiarity with Javascript. Nodejs installed on the development machine  MongoDB installed on […]

May 1, 2020 in Node & Tutorials

Consuming WordPress Rest API with Angular

In this article, we will be looking at how to consume WordPress Rest Api With Angular. For the purpose of this tutorial we will be using MaterialPro Angular 8 Lite Template. Below is what we need to know before we proceed: Node.js installed in our system Angular CLI installed in our system A text editor […]

April 30, 2020 in Angular & Tutorials

Build a text messaging app with Vuejs, Node and Twilio

In this article, we will build a text messaging app using Nodejs, Twilio, and Vuejs. Twilio is a cloud-based service that enables powerful communication between mobile devices, applications, services, and systems throughout the business in order to bridge the gap between conventional communication. Prerequisites Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (ES6+). Vs code or any […]

April 21, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue

Setting Up Angular Authentication Using JWT

In this article, we will be building an authentication system in Angular using Expressjs, MongoDB, and JSON web token(JWT) for authentication.We will start by creating a simple REST API with Expressjs and MongoDB that will enable a user to signup and login with their details. Learning prerequisites Basic familiarity with Javascript. Basic Knowledge of Angular. […]

April 9, 2020 in Angular & Node & Tutorials
Shubham wrote

Building an offline To-Do App with React

In this tutorial, we will create an offline To-Do App with React. We will use browser local storage to save the tasks, which will keep the tasks even after we close the browser. In the end, we will host this application on Github pages. Pre-requisites Nodejs Code editor (I am using VS Code) Github Account […]

March 3, 2020 in React & Tutorials
Deven wrote

Setting up Authentication in Django

Authentication is a process that confirms a user’s identity. Usually, this is done through a username (or email) and a password. You enter your username (or email) and password, which allows the system to confirm your identity; Authentication means also verify user emails for retention or marketing stuff. This tutorial is the best place if you’re looking to […]

March 2, 2020 in Django & Tutorials
Shubham wrote

Build a CRUD application in Golang with PostgreSQL

In this tutorial, we are going to build a CRUD application in Golang. We are going to use gorilla/mux library for the apis and PostgreSQL DB to store the data. So, without wasting any time, roll up your sleeves. This tutorial is a complete hands-on. Prerequisites Install golang v1.11 or above. Basic understanding of the […]

February 29, 2020 in GoLang & Tutorials
Anumadu wrote

Building a Portfolio Website with Vue and Bootstrap

This tutorial is targeted at developers who know the basics of Bootstrap and Vue.js framework but need a practical example to properly grasp the above technologies. If you are an absolute beginner, I would suggest you take some absolute beginner crash courses before heading over to this. With that said, Let’s get started. Before we […]

February 28, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue
Anumadu wrote

Getting started with Vuex: A beginners guide

Introduction: This is a brief tutorial that is intended to bring an absolute beginner up to speed with Vuex. Previous knowledge of Vue.js is required to follow along. we hope to cover the following key factors by the end of the tutorial: What is Vue.js store/Vuex How Vuex works The Vuex store Working with state […]

February 25, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue

Rendering Lists in Vue

Web applications handle lists of data for various reasons: showing a list of registered users, checkout page with items to be purchased or a log of previous transactions. A list is such a common construct that it’s a good fit for an abstraction. Vue makes it convenient to render lists of data with a nice […]

February 24, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue
Deven wrote

6 Use cases of Array .map() You should know

In JavaScript, iterating over datasets is done traditionally using the For loop. Later ES6 came with other variance of the For loop i.e ForEach loop. In this tutorial, we are going to look at the traditional For loop and juxtapose it with the new .map() method. According to MDN Documentation, The .map() method creates a new array […]

February 22, 2020 in Javascript & Tutorials