Posts for GraphQl

GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data.
Deven wrote

Building a blogging platform Using React, GraphQL, And GraphCMS

In this article, I am going to explore using GraphCMS, React.js, and GraphQL to develop a prototype CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application by leveraging the Content and Mutation APIS — the two API categories exposed by the GraphCMS software. Traditionally, content management systems have been bulky, all-in-one software solutions for effectively creating, managing, storing, […]

April 12, 2021 in GraphQl & React & Tutorials

Upgrading Express GraphQL Server from ApolloServer v1 to ApolloServer v2

In this article, we would be learning how to upgrade a GraphQL server built with apollo-server-express to ApolloServer v2.0. ApolloServer v2 introduced some changes to writing GraphQL servers. This new API for building GraphQL servers simplifies the process and it’s less dependent on external libraries. In fact, you can now write your GraphQL server without […]

September 11, 2020 in GraphQl

Handling Vue Authentication using GraphQL API

In this tutorial, we will be using Vuex and ApolloClient connected to a GraphQL API to handle authentication in our Vuejs app. Authentication and Authorization Authentication and Authorization are most often used interchangeably, but they’re different concepts entirely. Authentication identifies or verifies who a user is while Authorization is validating the routes (or parts of the app) the authenticated user can […]

August 28, 2020 in GraphQl & Tutorials & Vue
Anumadu wrote

Getting started with Vue & Apollo GraphQL

This tutorial is targeted at the Vue developer who wants to dive into Vue graphQL. You need a workable knowledge of Vue to follow along. Table of Content: what is graphQL What is Apollo Setting up graphQL server with node.js and Apollo server Installing Vue.js using vue CLI Installation and setup of Apollo client building […]

March 9, 2020 in GraphQl & Vue