Posts for Dev Tips

Useful tips and articles for web developers
Deven wrote

15 frequently asked Flutter interview questions

Most individuals fear job interviews. As a result, adequate preparation before the interview is important. Therefore, in this article, we shall discuss the most asked Flutter Interview questions. Most importantly, this is to help boost your confidence during the flutter interview. Most noteworthy, here are some of the 15 frequently asked flutter interview questions: 1. […]

December 31, 2020 in Dev Tips & Flutter
Deven wrote

Best PHP Frameworks to Use in 2020

PHP is turning 25 this year. It’s an old-timer along with Java, C++, C#, and others. However, even now, when it comes to web development, you cannot but think of PHP first, along with JS, Python, HTML, and CSS, for sure. PHP is a broadly used general-purpose scripting language that is particularly suited for web […]

November 19, 2020 in Dev Tips & PHP
Deven wrote

Understanding API Lifecycle Management and Its Importance in API Design

All good things have both a beginning and an ending—and that very same truth applies to application programming interfaces or APIs. No experienced API designer signs onto the project without an idea of how it will end and how a once-valuable API will eventually become obsolete. The process that sees an API product from its […]

November 18, 2020 in Dev Tips
Deven wrote

Top 50 Emacs Commands and Emacs Shortcuts

This article will be solely about serving you with the best Emacs commands and Emacs shortcuts. Certainly, Emacs is one of the most common text editors we have around these days. Its amazing features, for example, extensibility, customizability, plugins, and self-documentation make it an excellent tool among developers. In addition, Emacs is also called a […]

October 13, 2020 in Dev Tips
Deven wrote

50 Useful Vim Commands basic to Pro

In this article, I will share some top Vim commands to help you familiarise yourself with the Vim text editor. Vim is simply a text editor. Vim is unique and special among others because it’s a command-line text editor. Vim as a text editor is popularly used today because of its ubiquity and efficiency. The […]

October 13, 2020 in Dev Tips
Deven wrote

Code With Me vs. CodeTogether: Best Insider Comparative Study

In this article, we compare the two most recent entrants in the remote collaborative coding space – JetBrains’ Code With Me, released in August 2020, and CodeTogether from Genuitec, which was released in April 2020. We’ll compare these two solutions by going over several focus areas that you should consider when picking a code collaboration […]

October 2, 2020 in Dev Tips
Deven wrote

Flutter Vs React Native – Comparative study

In this article, I will explore the strengths and weaknesses of Flutter vs React Native. The duo, Flutter and React Native are the frameworks that give apps performances close to native apps. The idea of creating cross-platform came to light as a result of the gap between app developments on different frameworks. Android and iOS […]

September 2, 2020 in Dev Tips
Deven wrote

GraphQL vs SQL – Beginners overview

GraphQL, currently tagged by some as the SQL for knowledge and not data, has gained a lot of traction lately. The popularity, however, is earned as a result of the increasing adoption of graph databases (NoSQL) to make up for the limitations in relational databases.  So, to bring to light the features of the less popular […]

August 31, 2020 in Dev Tips

How To Become A Better Programmer: 11 Actionable Tips

So there is this joke amongst programmers that work with me, the “Full-stack Programmer” joke. In the anecdote, an intern updates his bio to a full-stack programmer in the second month of training. Ridiculous, right? There are increasing vacant programming jobs globally. Similarly, there is a swarming force of programmers out there gunning for the […]

August 28, 2020 in Dev Tips

XAMPP vs WAMP – Best Insider Comparative Study

The availability of local hosting packages like XAMPP and WAMP (known as web server solution stack packages) has done the world of WordPress developers and other Web-developers, a lot of good.  XAMPP and WAMP are both dominant packages for web development and local hosting.  Both packages are composed basically of the supporting operating system(s), a […]

August 28, 2020 in Dev Tips

Becoming a Full Stack Developer: Common Tips

Becoming a full stack developer is one of those easier-said situations and quite a controversial topic in the industry. Yet, in the past year, the skill has seen increasing demand. However, there’s a great polarity amongst developers who admire it and the ones that think it’s probably not worth the trouble.  The good news, though, […]

May 23, 2020 in Dev Tips