
How to Convert Any Values Into A Boolean in Javascript

In this article, you will learn how to convert any values into a boolean in Javascript.

Let’s say you have 4 types of variables.

// 1: A number variable named 'a' with the value 1
var a = 1;

// 2: A string variable named 'b' with the value "codesource"
var b = "codesource";

// 3: An undefined variable named 'c' with the value undefined
var c;

// 4: A null variable named 'd' with the value null
var d = null;

In order to convert any values into a boolean, you can use the Boolean() method.

var a = 1;
var b = "codesource";
var c;
var d = null;


Note: The Boolean method functions by converting empty strings and the number zero (0) to false, and others to true.

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