Posts for Tutorials

Advanced Tutorials for web and app development, we cover topics including, Vue, JavaScript, Laravel, Flutter, Golang, Python and more

Build A Blog App with ExpressJs and SvelteJs

Svelte makes use of a new approach to building user interfaces. Instead of doing the necessary work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work to a compile-time phase that happens on the development machine when you’re building your app. In this article, We will build a simple blog application with expressjs and Sveltejs. Prerequisites Familiarity […]

January 22, 2020 in Svelte & Tutorials

working and Using Vuejs mixins

Using Vuejs mixins is a way to re-use functionality across multiple components in your web application. This is a good idea if you have multiple components sharing the same functionalities. Vuejs Mixins can contain any component options and when used, they are combined with the component’s options. How to use mixins in Vue Firstly, you […]

January 21, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue

Regular Expressions (RegExp) in JavaScript

When working in any programming language, you may want to search characters within strings most of the time. It’s very easy to perform the following check; But, what you are searching for may not be equivalent to the entire content of the string. It may just be part of it – at the beginning, or end or just somewhere. In order to achieve this, Regular Expressions (short form – RegEx or RegExp) are used. What are Regular Expressions? These are sequence of characters which define a search pattern that can  be used on strings. How to Create a RegEx There are two methods involved in creating regular expressions which are: 1. Calling the constructor function of the RegExp object 2. Using a regular expression literal As seen above, the expression is declared between the slashes for literals while for the constructor function, the expression is declared as an argument of type string. The major difference between these two syntaxes is that expressions (like string template literals) can be used in the constructor function but not in the literal expression because it is fully static. Literal expressions are used when the regex is known before execution. But the first syntax is used when there is need to create a reg during run time (such as after taking user input). The expression ^jav matches strings which begin (^) with “jav“. We’d be looking at more ways of declaring expressions later in this article. Application of Regular Expressions Expressions can be used with test() and exec() methods of the RegExp object. test(): Here, you can use the expression to test a string. It returns true if it matches the string or false if otherwise. exec(): This method returns an array of information (index, input and group) and updates the lastIndex property of the regex object if it matches the string. Otherwise, it returns null. It can be used to search for multiple matches in a string. For these methods, the syntax for application is regex.method(string) . The method is applied to the declared expression and takes an argument of the string which it is tested on. Regex can also be used with match(), search(), replace() and split() methods of the String object. match(): If it matches, it returns […]

January 16, 2020 in Javascript & Tutorials

Animating between routes with route transitions in Vue

Working on a Vue.js application, there’s a high chance that components or items are going to be inserted, updated from the DOM. It’s always good practice to ease that process to obtain a great user experience. In this article, I’ll be giving a brief overview of the difference in making a Vue application smooth by […]

January 13, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue

How to optimize Vue.js applications

Just like every other application out there that grows in size, Vue.js applications also deteriorate in performance as the application grows. In this article, we’ll briefly discuss some of the techniques in optimizing Vue.js applications. Let’s get cracking. The ways to optimize a Vue.js application Here are a few tips to make your Vue applications […]

January 5, 2020 in Tutorials & Vue

Building A CRUD Application with Svelte

Svelte is a modern JavaScript compiler that allows you to write easy-to-understand JavaScript code that is then compiled to highly efficient code that runs in the browser. The framework is similar to React or Vue, but in Svelte, we don’t have any dependencies. That means it will not take any time to interpret our code, […]

January 2, 2020 in Svelte & Tutorials

Add Push Notifications to a Web App with Firebase

Traditionally, one of the main ways to bring users back to your website/web app is through email newsletters. While email newsletters can be used effectively, the Clickthrough Rate (CTR) when compared to web push notifications is significantly less. When used appropriately, web push notifications can drive more engagement to your web app. In this tutorial, […]

December 31, 2019 in Tutorials

Creating a logging middleware in Expressjs

Logging is an important part of supporting the complete application life cycle. By analyzing the data in the logs, we could resolve bugs much quicker, and detect problems early as they happen. One of the most basic kind of logging every backend application should have is a trace logging of all incoming HTTP requests. In […]

December 26, 2019 in Node & Tutorials

Building a Serverless Web App Using Firebase

In this article, we’ll see how Firebase allows us to focus on our core business logic and exposes simple to integrate APIs we can use to communicate with the backend. In the simplest terms, Serverless frameworks and architectures enable you to build and run web applications without thinking about managing servers. This frees up valuable […]

December 21, 2019 in Javascript & Tutorials

How to dynamically create reactive properties in Vue

One of the best features that JavaScript frameworks are known for is their reactivity and Vue is no exception. In this tutorial, we’ll be looking at how to add reactive properties in a component’s instance after initialization. Before we kick off Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies from core-team members and industry experts with […]

December 21, 2019 in Tutorials & Vue