Posts for MySQL

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.

Build a complete Laravel CRUD application with MySQL

In this tutorial, we will create a complete laravel CRUD application with features like error handling, pagination, and all the best practices so that you can improve the quality of your Laravel project. For illustration consider the following application: Contents Requirements Setup Laravel project Create Controller and Model Setup the Layout READ Operation CREATE Operation […]

August 24, 2020 in Laravel & MySQL & Tutorials

MySQL Aggregate Functions – SUM,COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG

In database management, an aggregate function or aggregation function, according to Wikipedia, is a function where the values of multiple rows are grouped to form a single summary value. There are different aggregate functions, such as SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG, etc. In this tutorial, we’ll cover the most used aggregate function in detail. Contents […]

August 22, 2020 in MySQL & Snippets


In today’s tutorial, we’ll learn how to use the MySQL INSERT INTO SELECT query to insert data into a table where data comes from the result of SELECT query. Contents Before we kick off INSERT Statement SELECT Statement INSERT INTO SELECT Statement Conclusion Before we kick off Before we start we need to make sure […]

August 20, 2020 in MySQL & Snippets