Becoming a Full Stack Developer_ Common Tips

Becoming a Full Stack Developer: Common Tips

Becoming a full stack developer is one of those easier-said situations and quite a controversial topic in the industry. Yet, in the past year, the skill has seen increasing demand.

However, there’s a great polarity amongst developers who admire it and the ones that think it’s probably not worth the trouble. 

The good news, though, is that there’s never been a hard-and-fast rule on this one. It’s totally up to you to decide what you want to do and how you want to do it.

So, if you are still in your consideration stage or already have your mind made up, this could be a good place to start.

What Does it Mean to be a Full Stack Developer?

A full stack developer would be a programmer that is very proficient in building the frontend and backend parts of a web app and understands their different technologies. 

So, while we are on this, let’s take a little detour to explain what front end and back end are, and the role of the developer.

A frontend is a part of the web app that the user interacts with – the user interface (UI). So, the frontend developer has the task of putting the components here together to achieve a responsive design.

Contrastingly, the backend is the part of the web app that is inaccessible to the user. It is the hub of administrative operations – data storage and manipulation. Meanwhile, it is the role of the developer here to set up the server, database management systems, and so on. 

So, now I guess it’d be safe to say that a full stack developer combines the skills of a frontend developer with that of a backend developer. Before it gets very busy around here, let’s understand that the full stack developer doesn’t have to be an Einstein in all technologies! 

However, the rate-limiting question here would be; Is full stack development right for you?

So, while you are digesting that question and assessing your answer objectively, I would chip in at this point that the steps here are quite familiar but would bring you the results you desire.

1. Know the Basics

Objectively speaking, you won’t understand how the different components of a basic web app work if you don’t know the basics? That’s an easy one!

While a programming language (JavaScript is the most widely used) supports the coding of the web app, HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the syntax device that lets you to input content into the web app. 

Simultaneously, another tool CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) lets you manipulate the appearance and feel of the web app. 

Could this be all? I don’t think so. So let’s move to the next thing.

2. Explore the Essentials of Front and Back End Development

Well, understanding the basic components of a web app and their functions is the role of any developer (remember the basics we talked about, right?). 

However, understanding the individual components and distinct functions, and putting them together based on these functions to build a web app (with required functionalities) from scratch up would be your job as a full stack developer.

Frontend Essentials

Right, we’ve talked about the frontend earlier; the overall user interface of the web app, however, there are a few essentials for the frontend developer.

To successfully thrive as a full stack developer, you need to learn and master HTML/CSS. More so, you’d require extensive knowledge of a frontend programming language. For this, I’d suggest JavaScript (you would find out why, as we go on). 

Backend Essentials

So, while the frontend is user interactive, the backend makes the communication seamless and efficient by providing the APIs as a result of interactions with client endpoints.

Interestingly there are just several backend technologies that are essential and are prerequisites to becoming a full stack developer. 

You’d need a development language for your backend writing. So, here’s why I suggested JavaScript earlier; it’s a great tool for both backend and frontend programming. 

However, because it’s not such a great idea to know just one programming language, you’d find Python to be an excellent companion. Yet, there are more options with PHP, Java, Ruby, and so on. 

Similarly, you’d need a good knowledge of the following:

  1. Database management and Database Management Systems.
  2. Data structure and Algorithms
  3. API and Web Services
  4. Server handling (Apache)

These may not be all that is required, but a great knowledge of these would get you on your way. However, do you feel the heat rising?

3. Learn and Fill Up your Skill Gaps

It’s very natural to want to master everything as you grow. While it’s okay to learn and get wide knowledge, you also might want to decide what is worth mastering. 

How do you learn? And what do you want to learn? Shift your focus to what needs it. Don’t try to master everything and risk spreading yourself too thin.

Additionally, find the gaps in your skill as you gun for full stack development. 

Check for online resources that let you progress at your pace, with assigned mentors, and team (as well as personal) projects in the curriculum. You can check for great courses from Udacity, Edx, Coursera, and a few other reliable online resource providers.

Furthermore, stay updated on industry best practices and trends.

Becoming a full stack developer may not be as hard as it looks. So, try.

4. Get Practical with a Portfolio

The practice is the next thing you’d need on your journey, after gathering all the theoretical knowledge. 

Theoretical knowledge can be obtained by reading online materials, but to understand application architecture properly, you must implement an actual web application.


Also, build yourself an extensive web app portfolio using your skills. It would pay off sooner or later. You should also check out this article on building your blog app.

5. Find Roles and Teach

Learning would set your feet on the threshold of your full stack development journey, but continuous learning, practice, and teaching would keep where you need to be.

Additionally, when you are ready, find roles for full stack developers and fit in. 

Although, most employers would always require developers with degrees in Computer engineering or similar fields, extensive knowledge of the backend and frontend technologies, as well as mastery of certain skills can set you apart for success.

 Next Step

Experience would refine you.

If you’ve chosen to continue on your quest to becoming a full stack developer, then rest assured that despite how difficult it may appear, you can achieve it by doing the quite obvious things laced with creativity and zeal.

All the best to you as you embark on your journey!
Until next time, stay safe and work smart.

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