Posts for Jatin Hemnani

Add Padding to Widget in Flutter – example

In this article, we will learn How To Add Padding To Any Widget In Flutter. Creating Padding Widget Above we have Container as the parent widget and the child is Padding() widget, it has a padding property that takes EdgeInsets with all() and other method with the float value (amount of padding). The Padding widget […]

February 25, 2021 in Code examples

Adding Rounded Containers In Flutter

In this article, you will learn How To Add Rounded Containers or Corners to Widgets In Flutter. Import Material Package We will first import the Material Package from Flutter in order to add material design to our Flutter App. Adding Material App To the main function Here we have created the main function which is […]

February 24, 2021 in Code examples

How to Deploy Your Svelte Project To Netlify

In this article, you will learn How To Deploy Svelte Project To Netlify. Creating Svelte Project Above commands will create a new Svelte Project and after creating you can install the dependencies using Yarn or NPM.For this article we will create a simple Count App and will deploy it to Netlify. App.svelte Above we have […]

February 24, 2021 in Dev Tips

Learn How to Implement Admob Ads In React Native

In this article, you will learn How To Implement Admob Ads In Your React Native App. Steps Install Expo Install Other Dependencies Create Banner Ad Create Interstitial & Rewarded Creating Expo Project npm install -g expo-cli After installing Expo Client we will now create project using expo. expo init react-native-admob cd react-native-admob expo start After […]

February 21, 2021 in React Native & Tutorials

Bind Checkbox In Svelte – Code Example

In this article, you will learn How To Bind Checkbox In Svelte. Checkboxes are used for toggling between states and to show some data depending on the checkbox. Binding Checkbox Here we have a variable with a Boolean value and we’ll show data on the basis of the checkbox. You just have to add bind:checked […]

February 19, 2021 in Code examples

Props In Svelte – code example

In this article, you will learn about Props in Svelte. Props is short for Properties, and it is used for passing data from one component to another. How To Pass Data Using Props In Svelte, it is very easy to pass props compared to React. As you just have to add an export word at […]

February 19, 2021 in Code examples

onMount Lifecycle In Svelte – Code example

What Is Lifecycle? Every component has a Lifecycle that starts when it is created. Sometimes we need a function to run when the component is rendered like fetching APIs. Import onMount Here we have imported the onMount lifecycle and created an empty array. Using onMount Above we have fetched the API and assigned it to […]

February 19, 2021 in Code examples

Bind Value In Svelte – Code Example

In Svelte binding works differently and it’s two-way binding. In Svelte you don’t need any function or method to handle the input event as we do in React. Here we have a variable as name with an empty string and in HTML we have <input> with bind of the variable name and that’s it. You […]

February 18, 2021 in Code examples

Adding Image Transitions In Svelte

In this tutorial, we will learn How To Add Image Transitions In Svelte. Importing Transitions Above we have imported transitions from Svelte and a variable to control the transition in our component. Toggle Transition Above we have created a <button>, with which we will toggle the transition by changing the value of visible to the […]

February 18, 2021 in Code examples

How To Fetch JSON In Svelte – Example

In this article, you will learn How To Fetch JSON In Svelte. Fetching API We will fetch sample API which is in JSON format and we will convert the fetch request to JSON and render it in our DOM. In the above code, we have a <script> tag which contains an asynchronous function getUsers() as […]

February 18, 2021 in Code examples

Learn How To Center A Navbar

In this article, you will learn How to Center A Navbar in HTML & CSS. What is a Navbar? A Navbar is a section in a Website that contains links to other parts of the Website for example About Page, Contact Page, Feedback Page, etc. Let’s create a Navbar in HTML:- index.html In the above […]

February 17, 2021 in Code examples