Posts for Emmanuel John

I am a web developer with a passion for learning new web technologies and building web apps with best web technologies.

Avoiding side effects in JavaScript code

As developers, we tend to spend more time debugging our code than writing new features. Most times, this is due to the negligence of the side effects in our codebase. In this article, we will understand what side effects are and how side effects can be avoided. In programming, a function is a unit of […]

February 3, 2020 in Javascript & Tutorials

Learn Git, Github, and Opensource – Course

INTRODUCTION This course will introduce you to git with some of its most important commands everyone should know. In this course, we will use the command-line tool to leverage the full potentials of git as it is a good way to use git. We will be more practical in explaining the basic concept and commands […]

January 30, 2020 in Courses

Understanding OpenSource

what is opensource software? An opensource software is a software that the source code can be inspected, modified and enhanced by anyone who wants to make a contribution to the software.  A typical example of opensource software is the Linux operating system which is built with the collective effort of various individuals contributions. Linux has […]

January 30, 2020 in Git

How to synchronize your local repository with GitHub

To synchronize your local repository with GitHub, proceed as follows: Go to the GitHub official website and make sure you are logged in In the top right corner, you should find a + sign. Click this and then click New repository Enter the name of your repository (GitProject) Add a description of your repository — […]

January 30, 2020 in Git

Understanding branching in Git

Introduction to branching in Git The concept of branching in git is broad and it would be better understood with a more practical approach. But then it is good to understand what a branch is why we should ever create a branch and when to create a branch. What is branching in Git Branching in Git […]

January 30, 2020 in Git

Getting started with Git on your machine

How to configure Git Before git can be configured on your machine, you need to create a GitHub account if you don’t have one. Creating a GitHub account is pretty easy, just get to the GitHub official website and click the signup button, fill the necessary details, submit and hurray!!! you get an account with […]

January 30, 2020 in Git

Introduction to Git

Git is a distributed version control system for storing and tracking changes in computer files. This means that git allows many developers to work on the same project without being on the same network. Git is not a programming language as many new developers do assume. It is only an important tool that every developer […]

January 29, 2020 in Git

Improved Control Flow In JavaScript

This is nothing new in the language as this concept does the same thing that the normal if, else-if and else statement does but with a neat and less verbose syntax.  However, there are some cases that will be much easier to handle with the advanced control flow than the if, else-if and else statement. […]

January 27, 2020 in Code examples & Javascript

Understanding scope in JavaScript

JavaScript is a simple, partially easy to use language with broad attractions in the web development industry. Unfortunately, it is built upon a complex collection of language mechanics which without careful study will not be understood even by seasoned developers. It is even harder to learn JavaScript completely. In this article, we will focus on […]

December 29, 2019 in Code examples & Javascript

Understanding Hoisting in JavaScript

This article is for JavaScript developers who want a deep understanding of the core concept of the language and how the javascript engine work. Though var and let are standard keywords for variable declaration in JavaScript, at the end of this tutorial, you will know why let is of more preference than var. Is it […]

December 21, 2019 in Code examples & Javascript

How to Modularize Javascript Code

Before we learn How to Modularize Javascript Code, we first need to understand what they are. Can you think of any complex system ranging from a bicycle to a more complex automobile engine? What is the common feature of these complex systems? These systems are made of individual parts with different functionalities interacting with one […]

December 20, 2019 in Javascript & Tutorials